iE 650 PLC

iE 650 PLC

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 [] - 2025-02-06


  • Fixed issue where EtherCAT master service is not enabled or disabled as expected.


 [] - 2025-02-06


  • Fixed issue where EtherCAT master service is not enabled or disabled as expected.


This release includes general improvements to the iE PLC family. 

New features

  • Web Config Tool: Added a Version page with version information of the different software components.
  • Web Config Tool: Added support for PTP time synchronisation.
  • It is now possible to manually disable/enable the USB port when not in use.
  • Added device descriptions for 600-series hardware modules for use in CODESYS.
  • Network port configuration:  New "Standalone" mode to allow CODESYS to be used on Port 0.
  • Added iE 7 Display support via Display Port for the iE 250 Base-mounted variant and the iE 350.


  • Improvements to the IP address settings.
  • Logs: Is is now possible to press Info when the search filter is highlighted.
  • Increased the persistent storage to 128KB.
  • Upgraded CODESYS runtime version to v3.5.20.40. 


  • Web Config Tool: Fixed an issue causing the user management to stay in edit mode.
  • Web Config Tool: Fixed an issue preventing to write the time settings from the web interface.



  • Performance and stability improvements.


Initial release of the iE 650 PLC

The iE 650 PLC embodies a robust, adaptable, and modular programmable controller ideal for crafting forward-looking intelligent energy management systems. 
With its comprehensive suite of features, this PLC caters to the needs of designers, installers, and operators with ease.

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