Cutting-edge semiconductor technology meets manufacturing and application expertise as the two companies launch a long-term partnership to accelerate the green transition on land and at sea.
Skive, Denmark & Graz, Austria, 2. April 2024
International shipping is about to reduce its climate impact significantly: With last year’s adoption of a revised greenhouse gas strategy, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set an ambitious course, calling for at least a 70% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. The Paris Agreement was adopted by all 196 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at COP21 in Paris where all countries agreed to work to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius, and to strive for 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Reaching these targets will require strong partnerships and new propulsion and power generation solutions. Control solutions manufacturer DEIF and mobility technology company AVL are now making a milestone effort to accelerate the green transition on land and at sea: The companies have announced a long-term partnership to develop, market, and sell power converters based on cutting-edge technology.
“We are driven by a passion to help create a world that is climate-neutral and one that makes safe, comfortable, green mobility a reality for everyone,” says Urs Gerspach, EVP of AVL List. “Through our partnership with DEIF, our semiconductor technology will help enable green transition on land and at sea – at large scale.”
Efficient and compact power converters
The partnership combines pioneering innovation and advanced technology from AVL with DEIF application expertise and manufacturing capabilities. AVL semiconductor technology based on silicon carbide will enable the development of power stacks with minimal heat loss. They can be used to manufacture highly efficient and compact power converters that are integral to the development of low to zero-emission power generation on land and at sea and propulsion systems on ships.
The power stacks will be manufactured by DEIF at its state-of-the-art electronics factory in Denmark; in addition, DEIF will develop control solutions that enable integration of the power stacks in various marine applications.

“At DEIF, we are contributing to the energy transition on land and at sea, using our decades of experience to develop, manufacture, and sell control devices that reduce climate impact while delivering reliable performance,” says Christian Nielsen, CEO at DEIF. “Working with AVL will help us broaden our offering of competitive power electronics solutions for land & marine applications.”
Concepts presented at SMM 2024
DEIF and AVL are planning to present product concepts at the SMM trade fair in Hamburg, Germany, from 3 to 6 September 2024. While the products will not be in series production yet, they will invite inclusion in upcoming design and development work.
Further information
Christina Kropf, PR Manager, AVL, tel. +43 316 787 11079, email:
Badrinarayan Suresh, Senior Vice President, Business Development, DEIF A/S, tel. +45 9614 9654, email: